17 Sept 2019

PPH Ready Badge Exam Questions and Answers #PPH #PPHReadybadge

PPH Ready Badge Exam Questions and Answers #PPH #PPHReadybadge

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16 Sept 2019

Final Year Project or Project FAQs

Final Year Project or Project FAQs

  1. What is the timeline for the project?
  2. What should the 'project proposal' look like?
  3. How should we prepare for the demo?
  4. How will the TAs help out during the project?
  5. Do we need to have a back-end?
  6. What are the rules for team composition?
  7. Can we use our remaining Lab extensions for the project?

20 May 2019

Why You Should Practice Mindfulness Meditation as a Programmer

Why You Should Practice Mindfulness Meditation as a Programmer
20 min read
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On Instagram and Twitter, I recently created polls where I asked how many of you guys meditate, and only about 30% voted positively. This number should be much higher, considering how many benefits mindfulness meditation provides, especially for people who use their brains as much as programmers. If done regularly, meditation can drastically reduce stress, frustration and overwhelm in your life and therefore make you happier and more productive. It improves your memory and learning capabilities and keeps your brain young as you age. Besides that, it can also make pretty much any activity more enjoyable, not only coding. To benefit from meditation, the field you work in or what else you do in your life doesn’t matter, so this post is directed to everyone. I just themed it to programming because that’s what 99% of my visitors do.

But first of all, I want to say that this post is not spiritual, and we are not trying to connect our soul to the universe or leave our body or stuff like that. This post is about the scientific side of meditation as a practice to train our brain. I am a very skeptical person and before I spend 30 minutes of my day sitting with my eyes closed (you don’t have to do that much), I better be sure that there are some reliable studies backing up the promised benefits of this practice. Just opinions and belief is not enough, I wouldn’t do meditation if there was no scientific evidence of its effects. Luckily, we don’t have to search very long for these studies, because there are plenty.

We will not look at meditation from a religious point of view here, but it can be part of religious practice. If you already do meditation as part of your prayers, that’s great. But if you find that what I describe here is much different from what you’re currently doing, you might want to add it as another practice to your day. Mindfulness meditation has its roots in Buddhism, but I won’t go into detail about the history here. If you want to know more about it, I encourage you to search for it in Google.

Ok, so what does meditation do and how does it help us?

Simply put, mindfulness meditation trains your brain to stay focused on the present moment with a non-judgmental attitude.

Being mindful means observing your thoughts, emotions and sensory input on a moment-to-moment basis without labeling them as good or bad or getting caught up in them.

Ok, why is this helpful?

Well, a lot of our problems are caused by a distracted mind and uncontrolled thinking. First of all, it obviously makes you very inefficient. For example, when you try to focus on a task like building a new feature into your app, but your mind constantly keeps wandering to other problems, like a looming deadline or a mean thing your coworker said the other day, you waste your valuable time and brain energy because you jump back and forth between unrelated topics. It has long been known that multitasking is very inefficient and this is also true if the switch between tasks only happens in your head. No matter if these unrelated problems are important in the grand scheme, it just isn’t helpful to ponder about them in the middle of doing something else. Wouldn’t it be much better if you could just stay focused on the task directly in front of you and only switch to something else once you’re done? Personally, I find nothing more exhausting than trying to concentrate, for example when reading the documentation of a difficult API, while my mind constantly keeps wandering to something else and I always forget what I’ve just read a moment ago.

But even in our free time, when we’re not currently working on any difficult tasks, we often ponder over problems, for example when we are in the company of friends or when we try to enjoy leisure activities. How often have you eaten something and realized 10 minutes later that you didn’t really pay attention to the taste because you constantly kept thinking about something else? How often have you tried to enjoy a good book just to realize at the bottom of the page that you have no idea what you just read? Another time when people tend to ruminate is when they go to bed and just want to relax and go to sleep. In so many different situations, rather than enjoying the moment, our mind is focusing on unrelated problems or already thinking about the upcoming day. Research has shown that we are the happiest when our thoughts align with what we are doing in a given moment. When you’re brushing your teeth, you’re happier when you’re not already thinking about your workday ahead. This is also the case if what you’re doing right now is boring or unpleasant. So when you’re writing on a super boring coding task, you’re happier if you’re thinking about writing this super boring coding task rather than about laying on a sunny beach, even if the sunny beach seems like the more desirable situation to be in.

Another thing that robs us a lot of energy and makes us unhappy is our reaction to problems and adversity. To keep it programming related, let’s say for example that you’re trying to build an app and (inevitably) run into a bug that is hard to solve. This is a challenge, but from an objective point of view, the situation is not terrible. First of all, you will learn something in the process and get a little bit better at programming, so it’s a learning opportunity. Second, encountering bugs is an inseparable part of writing software, it happens to every programmer regularly. Even if you wish the problem wasn’t there, that doesn’t make it go away. You have to deal with it anyways. Where stress really starts to build up, is in our reaction to these problems. When you start thinking about how much time this is going to waste, how you could already be done with your task by now, or when you start asking yourself if you will ever find the problem or if you are too stupid for programming — those are the unhelpful thoughts that build a second layer of stress on top of the first layer and unnecessarily waste energy that you could otherwise use to find a solution. This “stress about being stressed” not only makes problems seem bigger than they actually are, it is also what makes people unhappy and gets them burned out. Your mind creates your reality, and without your conceptual framing around the bug being bad and this task being a chore, it would just be part of your day like any other piece of code you write. Maybe you would even enjoy it. In both situations, you are sitting in a comfy chair, looking at a screen inside a probably warm room while trying to figure out what to write next. The raw sensory input is pretty much the same, but your interpretation of the situation is different. Again, mind wandering is the root problem here. Without your thoughts constantly reminding you how much your situation sucks, it would cease to suck.

Codecademy Web Development
Suffering starts when you wish that the situation you’re currently in was different from how it is right now.

Suffering is your resistance to the present moment. There are ups and downs in life, but we reinforce the subjective unpleasantness of these downs with our own thoughts. This is even true for physical pain. The next time you have a headache, try an experiment and just drop all your thoughts and judgment about it for a moment. Try to forget how much the pain sucks, how badly you want to get rid of it, how long you already had it or how much longer you have to endure it. Try to pretend that the past and future don’t exist, breathe, close your eyes and just focus on the raw sensation for a bit. After a while, you will notice that it doesn’t feel that bad anymore and the pain turns into a more neutral sensation. The pain is still there, but by accepting it, it seems to cause less psychological suffering and turns into something that just is. For the average brain this will only work for mild headaches, but for a brain that is trained in meditation and mindfulness, this would even work for more intense pain, like the spectacular case of the burning monk showed.

Your mind shapes your daily experience and your life quality more than what is happening to you, like external factors or even physical sensations like pain. This is why some people thrive under horrible life circumstances while others are unhappy even if they seem to have everything. Happiness is a skill, not something that happens to you. Unfortunately, mind wandering, uncontrolled thinking and worry — the traits that make us so unhappy — are very human tendencies. We constantly tell ourselves (often unintentionally and without noticing) why we have every reason to be angry, sad, frustrated, bored, hurt, scared or generally unsatisfied and this way artificially keep these emotions alive way longer than their natural lifetime. As most of our bad traits, these negative tendencies have evolutionary reasons, because they kept us alive in primal times when the world was a lot more dangerous and resources more scarce. But in today’s society and with our life circumstances, these constant negative thoughts are an overkill and not timely anymore. Another problem is simply the information overload that we are exposed to nowadays and to which our brains didn’t have enough time to adapt. However, knowing about this problem is not enough. If you don’t train your mind, every thought will just pull you out of the present moment and become your immediate reality as soon as it pops into your head. The only way to get this under control is through mindfulness practice. This is where meditation comes in.

There are different forms of meditation and it can also be combined with exercises like Yoga or Qigong. In this post, we will talk about what I think is the most common form of meditation, at least in the west: mindfulness meditation while sitting down with your eyes closed. Nothing fancy here and you don’t need anything to start, besides a chair and maybe some earplugs if you live in a noisy environment.

And it works like this:

Set a timer for how long you want to meditate. 10 minutes is a good amount to start.
Sit down on a chair in a comfortable position with your back upright and your hands resting on your legs. There are other meditation poses, but this is the easiest to start with.
Relax your body and close your eyes.
Start focusing your attention on your breath. Don’t try to breathe in a certain way or overanalyze it. You can take a few deep breaths at the beginning, but after that, just breathe naturally and pay attention to how it physically feels when the air flows into and out of your nose.
Inevitably, your mind will start to wander. You might start thinking about what you will eat for lunch or how to solve that one coding problem you’ve been working on all day. That’s totally normal and will always be part of your meditation exercise. When this happens, notice the thought, but don’t judge it. Don’t label it as good or bad and don’t be annoyed by it. Just calmly bring your attention back to your breath.
Repeat step 5 every time your mind starts to wander (which will be often) until your timer rings.
This is what meditation is all about. There is no magic or Jedi mind tricks involved. We simply train our mind to not get carried away by every little thought that comes up. And as I explained earlier, being lost in thought is the main reason for unhappiness, exhaustion and mental suffering. Focusing on your breath anchors you to the present moment, and every time you bring your attention back to your breath after it wandered off to a random thought, you strengthen exactly this: focusing on the present moment and letting the thought pass. It is literally like a gym workout for your brain. The same way you can strengthen a muscle by lifting weights repeatedly, you can also strengthen certain neuronal connections in your brain that then make you better at doing certain things. When you try to learn how to juggle, you slowly build new connections that make you better at juggling. You start out really bad, barely able to catch a single ball. But over the weeks and months, it becomes easier and more natural, until eventually, you are really good at juggling. It’s the same principle with meditation. When you practice focusing on the present moment, you steadily get better at focusing on the present moment. This actually makes certain parts of your brain grow denser. When scientists scan the brains of regular meditators, they find increased gray matter in different areas that are associated with enhanced senses and less mind-wandering, better executive decision-making and emotional regulation, but also with improved learning and memory processes and more empathy towards others. Some of these brain parts, like the frontal cortex, usually shrink with age, but 50-year-old meditators had the same amount of gray matter there as 25-year-olds. In other words: meditation keeps your brain young, which is especially important for us programmers who need to stay sharp as we get older in order to keep up with the latest tech. The gray matter of meditators’ brains decreased, however, in a part called the “amygdala”, which is responsible for stress responses. A smaller amygdala means less perceived stress and less anxiety, so that’s a good thing. If you wanna read more about it, here is an interview with one of the researchers that conducted several popular studies on meditation with a summary of the findings. Significant results were found in untrained meditators within 8 weeks of an average of 27 minutes of meditation per day. However, you can also do less than that and just get the benefits a little bit slower. And of course, you can do more to accelerate the effects.

By regularly practicing meditation, you’re not just merely changing the way you think. You improve your brains hardware the same way you increase RAM in a computer to make it handle a high workload more easily.

Mindfulness meditation doesn’t prevent any unpleasant thoughts or emotions from ever coming up again, but it lets you take a more neutral stance, without labeling them as good or bad all the time and without identifying with them. It lets you take the position of an observer of your own mind. You simply notice and accept a thought or feeling when it comes up, and then you let it pass. An angry thought accompanied by some sensations of flushing and tension doesn’t mean you have to be angry. An increased heart rate and sweaty palms together with some anxious worries don’t mean you have to be anxious. They are just internal voices and sensations, they don’t define what you are in this moment any more the voice of a stranger or a warm temperature can tell you what you are. You don’t get caught up or identify with them, but you also don’t wish them away. This is what is meant by having a non-judgmental attitude to the present moment. Similarly, you will find that the same amount of physical discomfort and pain (for example when you do an exhausting exercise), while having the same or even increased intensity, will feel less unpleasant (like in my headache example earlier).

However, being mindful doesn’t mean being apathetic. It doesn’t mean not caring about anything anymore or giving up on your goals. When you are in a suboptimal situation and you can change it, then you should try to change it. If your boss wants you to implement a new feature from which you know that it doesn’t make any sense and that it will just cause problems, then you should tell him about it. It is the circumstances that you can’t change or which you consciously decided not to change, that you should accept unconditionally. If you think that this feature should be implemented, because it’s the right thing to do at this point, even if you are annoyed by the task, then any further mental resistance to it (ie. thinking about how much it sucks) is futile and almost crazy.

We don’t try to stop thinking altogether — after all, we need thoughts to function in this world — and we also don’t try to suppress negative thoughts. We just learn to observe our thought stream from a certain distance and then make a controlled, calm decision about our next action. We use our mind as a tool, rather than getting controlled by it. If a thought is helpful, you can execute on it. The solution to a bug is a thought that you probably want to investigate further, but not a sudden memory about that moment 2 weeks ago when you did something embarrassing. Most thoughts we have throughout our day are simply not helpful (and often even harmful), so we have to train to choose which ones we actually pay attention to. As programmers, we are exposed to an overload of information every day, and this inner distance helps us keeping this input under control. Being mindful is often compared with being in the middle of a storm (your thought stream) versus observing the storm from a safe place, like from behind a window (being the observer). This way you can really focus on what is in front of you, stay calm in difficult situations, and solve problems with patience and without feeling mentally exhausted at the end of the day. It also lets you enjoy things more because you experience every event in your day on a moment-to-moment basis with your full attention and accept them as they come. When you get more mindful in your day to day life, you will notice that not everything around you has to be perfect in order for you to be happy.

There are a lot of indirect benefits that result from this whole concept of non-judgmental awareness:

Since you become able to endure more discomfort with the same or less amount of subjective unpleasantness and suffering, you can learn more and faster. As I explained in my blog post about deliberate practice, effective learning comes with a fair bit of struggle and frustration. With mindfulness, the learning process will still be difficult and confusing at times, but it will feel more natural and less stressful.

By being less emotionally reactive, you also become less moody and therefore more likable by your coworkers and anyone else around you. The sensation of anger, for example, only lasts for a couple moments after something happened that made you angry. The only way for you to stay angry after this is if your thoughts are constantly feeding this emotion. This means, the only reason that you ever stay angry for more than a few seconds, is because you’re thinking about reasons to be angry. Otherwise, it’s just a sensation to be noticed and then let pass.

By distancing yourself from your emotions this way, you will also more easily beat procrastination, because procrastination is usually caused by mild negative emotions, most commonly by a little bit of anxiety about the difficulty and size of the upcoming task. When you’re mindful, you can recognize this emotion and still realize that you don’t have to act on it (and procrastinate), but instead make a conscious, controlled decision. The same is true when you are in the middle of a task and have this sudden urge to grab your smartphone or switch to Facebook. Simply be aware of the urge, notice how it feels and then let it go. Mindfulness puts a little bit of room between the impulse and your reaction to it, in which you can consciously decide to act differently. The same way it can also help to break pretty much any other habit, like bad coding habits. Let’s say you tend to copy paste code without understanding what it actually does. You might do this instinctively, without much thought, or maybe out of laziness, but again, being aware inserts this little space between your intuition and your actual decision and helps you hit the brakes and act differently.

Mindfulness is also closely related to the “Flow state” (the phenomenon which gave Coding in Flow its name). The Flow state (also called “the Zone”) is this joyful experience that can happen when you are fully immersed in an activity. You can read more about it in this blog post. Flow happens when you give an activity your full attention, and mindfulness trains your brain to direct its attention, so it totally makes sense that you also get into the Zone more easily. The best thing is, that the kind of activity doesn’t really matter. You can reach a Flow state not only while doing something exciting, like surfing or playing your favorite video game, but also while washing the dishes or working on a difficult coding problem. By training your attention, meditation can help you get more intrinsic pleasure from everyday tasks. You don’t always have to do your favorite leisure activity to enjoy what you’re doing. You just have to train your brain to be able to enjoy more things.

Treat meditation like a gym workout. You won’t reap all the benefits immediately, just like you don’t get super strong after the first day in the gym. But you will notice some effects after your first session and get a glimpse of what it feels like to be more present. This feeling will gradually increase over the weeks, until you suddenly realize that you don’t get frustrated as easily as you used to, that certain things just don’t bother you anymore and that you are now able to enjoy the little things more. Mindfulness is a skill, and as with most skills, consistency is much more important when it comes to learning than infrequent, big sessions. You can start with 10 minutes a day, which can actually be quite difficult in the beginning. Do it in the morning, because then you prime your brain for the upcoming day and it’s also less likely that you skip a session or fall asleep in the middle of it. You can increase the duration when you feel ready, but really try to do it every single day. I think 20 minutes of focused meditation per day is a good goal to strive for and something that most people can fit into their schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that 10 minutes are not effective and it also doesn’t mean that you can’t go higher to accelerate the effects. Take a look at the instructions above again to see how to meditate.

Also, there are different forms of meditation and other anchor points you can use than the breath. If you want to know more about that topic, you can find a lot of information on Google. There are also tons of books about meditation, but I can’t recommend one, because I haven’t read any yet.

I am interested in your opinion. Do you do a form of meditation? Maybe in combination with Yoga or some other exercise? Maybe as part of your religion? Do I have any Buddhist visitors? Let me know in the comments below!

19 May 2019

What is your favorite part of freelancing VS working for somebody? Freelancing 2019

What is your favorite part of freelancing VS working for somebody? Freelancing 2019
What is your favorite part of freelancing VS working for somebody?
My favorite thing about freelancing vs working from somebody is just this being able to work. Wherever is work outside as people that you know are glued to our laptops? We always have to be inside or an office so you're called in to medium freelance or you work remote. You can take meetings from outside like virtually anywhere where you have Wi-Fi or hotspot connection. I like the remote freelance life because you're completely free.
Freedom to go where you want thank you guys good morning good afternoon welcome to your day or evening depending on when you're watching this we're here at our favorite spot where we do tons of work from every single day the jungle looks like that today. We are gonna be talking to you guys about freelance yeah which is kind of the whole purpose of this channel but all the other things sort of make up the world the freelancing and working for yourself when it comes to freelancing I'm a big believer in retainer one-off projects.  
You can make a good amount of money but I really do believe retainers are better than one off projects you know it depends on the amount of money and stuff like that but still you can get a retainer and it's a long-term retainer it makes your life a lot more predictable and you don't have to stress as much about where your next job what I like to do with those types of work I work with retainers a lot for clients. They can greatly range in price what I like to do is in the contract I like to have a 90-day review so we have a set amount of money for the thing.
We review it after 90 days to see where expectations are being met where they're exceeding or where things maybe mean our legging and from there. You can always negotiate hopefully for more money depending on the type of work that you're freelancing for sure when you do retainers here's one thing. We always learned we've learned the hard way and sort of like just an amazing way while we're doing it as projects always almost take longer than expected.
When you're estimating a one-off project price no matter how well you scope it it's gonna bleed oh so if you have a really reasonable solid monthly retainer for X number of hours if they keep expanding the project or the scope of work or the amount of pieces of content their videos or features in your app whatever it may be you keep getting paid you don't just like lose out on that money because the scope grew you literally keep getting paid.
What happens a lot of times too is if they really like your work there's always more to do and they'll keep you on the retainer but if your project cuts off and you're done and you get paid that's a moment for them to reevaluate and we think ok we still want to use this person OK do we have to scope out an entire new contract that's a whole process and we got to get the funding approval but if you were to get the approval for the monthly retainer it just can keep on going and generally it expands way way more money. 
What you would have got by a one-off contract now that you guys understand we love retainers there's another really important thing when you're doing retainers this is a thing you should do anything you should not so first is when you're on a retainer it's really important to make it feel like you're a part of the team right you got your in their slack groups your and their messages like be as deeply involved as possible because then it's harder to get rid right when you're embedded in their processes and their workflows it's hard to just eject your number two is this is what not do not do this sometimes as developers or contractors we think it feels cool so like talk about all the other projects we're doing or how much money we're making on these other projects and stuff like that they don't want to hear about that the only thing it does is make them think that you have other important things going on do not involve their company they're come is the only thing that matters to them they could give two craps about the other projects you have going on do not talk about them do not refer to them and do not lease God do not brag about them while you are not there company our work on this act like those if you are the they are your world and you're the only one working with them and you have anything else going on that's what they want that's

what you need to do just remember that 

10 Mar 2019

How to Mobile Marketing in 2019 & 2020

How to Mobile Marketing in 2019 & 2020
Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing can be classified into two types based on the technology involved. The more traditional form involves marketing on the move like moving billboards and road shows. The second type refers to marketing on a mobile phone like cell phone. Since the onset of millennium, mobile marketing though cell phone has become very popular. Short message service popularly known as SMS has made marketing by this method a lot easier.

There were some problems in the beginning as unwanted information was being sent to the people. Most of the SMS that were passed around was spam and it received negative media response in all parts of the world. This was because a sector of the advertisers bought list of mobile users and began sending them unsolicited messages. They were later stopped due to strict security measures and laws passed. Marketing industry recognized the potential of mobile marketing and utilized it to the full extent. The mobile service providers coded guidelines and laws. It then became a legal advertising channel. The Mobile Marketing Association and Interactive Advertising Bureau also have laid down guidelines for the proper functioning of mobile marketing.

Mobile marketing has become popular in Asia and Europe as it is a novel idea and in Europe alone hundreds of millions of pounds have been investing in SMS advertising. Now SMS has become the most famous part of mobile marketing. Because of the popularity of short codes, SMSing has become a lot easier. This has created a new approach to reach out to potential customers. Now mobile short codes are looked upon as mobile domain name, by many of the brands around the world, when the customers message the brand at any occasion.

In America, the first SMS short code campaign was started in 2002. SMS containing short codes are easier to send a message with complete information. Short codes are usually numbers that are assigned to mobile operators of a particular location, which they use for brand campaigning and other purposes. They are very small, like they contain only four to five words. These numbers are always under scrutiny by the service provider and each and every message is monitored to see that they do not go against the original service description.

Like opt-in emails, customers have to opt for SMSes. This is the biggest criterion, which the advertiser has to follow in order to send a promotional SMS. Some of the mobile operators ask for double opt-in form from the receiver. At the same time opting out is made easy for the customer. When the customer wishes to terminate receiving messages, they have to send STOP word by SMS. All these guidelines have been laid by the Mobile Marketing Association consumer best practice guidelines and it’s a compulsion to follow those by all the marketers who wish to do mobile marketing in America.

Now, service providers have started to provide the option of sending SMS to email addresses. Other than this, other services provided are mobile games, mobile tones etc., which are used for promotional purposes. This has lead to the invention of MMS or Multi-media Message Service, through which short promotional videos and animations can be send. Bluetooth is another good technology. It started in 2003, and many companies in Europe have found it useful. When a message is send via Bluetooth, the receiver should accept request from the sender. So, sending messages by this method is legitimate. The message transfer speed is high and is also a free service as it is a radio-based technology.

The method of sending SMS advertisement to mobile phone users based on their geographical location is known as Location based service. The customer is tracked via a GPS chip which is built-in the phone. Radiolocation signals from the nearest cell phone towers are used for this purpose.

Mobile marketing follows a very safe marketing strategy, as it is customer opted. The short message sent through this method is known as mobile originated or MO message. If the advertisement is done through a call, the call is known as mobile terminated or MT message. As there is a phenomenal increase in the number of mobile phone users, this kind of marketing is a sure hit.

Recognizing Target Market in 2018

8 Mar 2019

How to have Websites Built for you the Cheap Way

How to have Websites Built for you the Cheap Way

Normally, if you want to have professional designers custom build your site, you must be prepared to dish out at least a few hundred dollars. All this can change if you know where to find the best deals, the best designs for the lowest price. Here's a rough guide:

First, you must understand that it is a rip off to get companies to design websites for you. Have you ever seen those advertisements in newspaper classified ad sections that offer a 5-page website at $500? These companies are established companies with physical locations, therefore they have to increase the amount they charge to pay off some overheads: office rent, designer's wages, advertising costs and so on.

Therefore, it would be wise to find freelance designers who work from home. These people are often working from home so they do not have a high operation cost like that of a company. On the other hand, they will be able to design images with quality similar to those of designers from big companies, so it's a "no-brainer" choice.

However, choose freelancers with care. The best way to do this would be to go to elance.com. There, you can post the abstract of your project and get thousands of freelancers to bid on your project, so you will surely get the best deal. On top of that, you will be able to choose the designers based on their experience, past transactions and ratings, so your value for money is secured.

Another route you can take is to design your website yourself. Think about it, if you only need 5 simple pages to present some simple information, why waste hundreds of dollars for it? Just spend a little time to sit down and do it yourself. You'll be able to design your own sites even if you do not know a single line of HTML code with the help of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) programs such as Microsoft Frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and so on.

7 Mar 2019

Good Design Practices with Good Planning from blog in 2019

Good Design Practices with Good Planning from blog in 2019

Your website is where your business resides it's like the headquarter of an offline company. Hence, it is important to practice good design principles to make sure your site reaches out to the maximum number of visitors and sells to as many people as possible.

Make sure you have clear directions on the navigation of your website. The navigation menu should be uncluttered and concise so that visitors know how to navigate around your website without confusion.

Reduce the number of images on your website. They make your site load very slowly and more often than not they are very unnecessary. If you think any image is essential on your site, make sure you optimize them using image editing programs so that they have a minimum file size.

Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If a paragraph is too long, you should split it into seperate paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be too big. This is important because a block of text that is too large will deter visitors from reading your content.

Make sure your website complies to web standards at www.w3.org and make sure they are cross-browser compatible. If your website looks great in Internet Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox and Opera, you will lose out on a lot of prospective visitors.

Avoid using scripting languages on your site unless it is absolutely necessary. Use scripting languages to handle or manipulate data, not to create visual effects on your website. Heavy scripts will slow down the loading time of your site and even crash some browsers. Also, scripts are not supported across all browsers, so some visitors might miss important information because of that.

Use CSS to style your page content because they save a lot of work by styling all elements on your website in one go.

6 Mar 2019

Affiliate Marketing: Why is it One of the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise your Business in 2019

Affiliate Marketing: Why is it One of the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise your Business in 2019
ver heard of affiliate programs? These are forms of Internet advertising that rewards the affiliates for driving traffic to the advertiser or for other transactions. The advertiser pays the affiliate to place a link on their website, and the affiliate sends traffic to the advertiser in return. Simply put, it's about paying commissions to people who help you make sales. It's that easy. NOT. 

Affiliate marketing has its ups and downs. It could be draining if you are not armed with updated information and the technical how-tos. But this article's sole objective is to reach out to you and not to badmouth affiliate marketing.

Here are the following reasons on why web marketers go gaga over affiliate marketing as a form of Internet advertisement.

1. Low cost

Many are scared to go on a home based business because of the capital required. In affiliate marketing, you don't have to spend much to start raking in moolah.

2. Inventories not included

Product management fuss could be very stressing. An inventory is not asked to be maintained. The merchant does the maintenance required.

3. Unlimited income through leverage

When you have a paid job, your monthly income mainly relies on whether you go to work or not. With affiliate marketing, your affiliates could all just lead traffic to your site without having to lift a finger after providing them your ad copy and links. Though not every web marketer earns limitless, it still is a fact that all the necessary matters for the advertiser or Internet marketer are all there to be successful. 

4. Go worldwide

With affiliate marketing, you are dealing with a global market place. All you have to do is choose a niche product and prepare all the necessary tools for your affiliates to lead traffic from just about anywhere to your website.

5. Low risk

The very main reason for Internet marketer's enthusiasm with affiliate marketing is its having a low risk factor. Especially for those with low budget set aside for advertising, affiliate marketing is just the way to do it.

6. No closing time

With affiliate marketing, your business works every single second of the day while targeting a worldwide market! What could be better than that?

But all of these will be put to waste if you don't have the right niche product and all the other important tools to make it big in affiliate marketing, i.e., well-SEO-ed website. So better work on this first before ever considering those benefits.

Mistakes To Avoid When Using Web Templates in 2019

Mistakes To Avoid When Using Web Templates in 2019

Website templates are very affordable and they save you a lot of effort and time when you want to create a new layout for your website. However, a lot of people make mistakes in the process of choosing and using a web template and end up with something that was unlike the image they had in mind. Here are some guidelines to help you avoid those mistakes.

The first obvious mistake you should be aware of is using a template that is very popular. If many people use the same template, your website will not appear unique at all and your credibility as a solid, different website will be tarnished. In other words, you will appear generic just like your next-door neighbors.

To whole point of using a web template is to save time and effort. You just change the title and appropriate details and you're done. The biggest mistake one makes is to customize the template beyond recognition. While that may be good in the sense that you're creating a unique graphic, you're defying the very purpose of using a web template -- saving time and effort.

However, on the opposite side, if a template you purchase is suitable but some changes must be made to suit your site's theme, then you will have to take some time to make the changes. For example, you can find a very nice template that suits your hobby site except the original designer has put an image of stamps in the header. You can find images of garden plants and spades to replace the stamps for your gardening hobby site. However, do only make the necessary changes and don't redesign the whole template.

In some circumstances, some people simply make the wrong choice of templates. This is a very subjective issue but you have to be careful in selecting templates to suit your audience. Do not choose templates just because they are pretty, choose them because they serve your purpose.

Generating Revenue with Good Planning from blog in 2019

Generating Revenue with Good Planning from blog in 2019

For anything to work well, care must be taken to make firm, workable plans to execute it and the same goes for website designs. With a well thought out website design, you will be able to create a site that generates multiple streams of revenue for you. In fact, may websites turn into online wasteland because they are not well planned and do not get a single visitor. Gradually, the webmaster will not be motivated to update it anymore and it turns into wasted cyberspace.

The crucial point of planning your site is optimizing it for revenue if you want to gain any income from the site. Divide your site into major blocks, ordered by themes, and start building new pages and subsections in those blocks. For example, you might have a "food" section, an "accommodation" section and an "entertainment" section for a tourism site. You can then write and publish relevant articles in the respective sections to attract a stream of traffic that comes looking for further information.

When you have a broader, better-defined scope of themes for your website, you can sell space on your pages to people interested in advertising on your page. You can also earn from programs like Google's Ad-sense and Yahoo! Search Marketing if people surf to those themed pages and click on the ads. For this very reason, the advertisement blocks on your pages need to be relevant to the content, so a themed page fits that criteria perfectly.

As Internet becomes more widespread, advertising on the Internet will bear more results than on magazines or offline media. Hence, start tapping in on this lucrative stream of profit right away!
For anything to work well, care must be taken to make firm, workable plans to execute it and the same goes for website designs. With a well thought out website design, you will be able to create a site that generates multiple streams of revenue for you. In fact, may websites turn into online wasteland because they are not well planned and do not get a single visitor. Gradually, the webmaster will not be motivated to update it anymore and it turns into wasted cyberspace.

The crucial point of planning your site is optimizing it for revenue if you want to gain any income from the site. Divide your site into major blocks, ordered by themes, and start building new pages and subsections in those blocks. For example, you might have a "food" section, an "accommodation" section and an "entertainment" section for a tourism site. You can then write and publish relevant articles in the respective sections to attract a stream of traffic that comes looking for further information.

When you have a broader, better-defined scope of themes for your website, you can sell space on your pages to people interested in advertising on your page. You can also earn from programs like Google's Ad-sense and Yahoo! Search Marketing if people surf to those themed pages and click on the ads. For this very reason, the advertisement blocks on your pages need to be relevant to the content, so a themed page fits that criteria perfectly.

As Internet becomes more widespread, advertising on the Internet will bear more results than on magazines or offline media. Hence, start tapping in on this lucrative stream of profit right away!

Affordable PPC search engine advertising in 2019

Affordable PPC search engine advertising in 2019
PPC search engine advertising is by far the most affordable form of advertising available. PPC search engine advertising is a flourishing business that by 2008 is expected to reach $ 8 billion. PPC search engine advertising is about producing leads. Creating leads will help potential buyers find the specific website that will provide them with the product or service they need. 

However, PPC search engine advertising does not end there. It is important to understand that although PPC search engine advertising generates leads, it is also important for users to find relevant information at the website they are directed to. Information is a valuable asset in PPC search engine advertising that is often left unchecked by many websites. Keep in mind that users are more likely to purchase products or services from a company that provided them with the necessary information they needed in the first place. 

Qualified traffic with PPC search engine advertising

One of the benefits of PPC search engine advertising is that it provides qualified traffic to a specific website. Users that click on a PPC ad are those in search of a particular product or service. This helps eliminate unnecessary clicks from non-prospective buyers that only produce expenditures not profits. PPC search engine advertising is also the fastest way to get a reasonable return on investment. 

A bidding process is used to establish the price of a specific keyword. In general, the budget for PPC search engine advertising may be a $100 to $100,000 depending on the number of keywords used. These prices can skyrocket in just minutes as more and more sites bid for the same keyword thus causing the prices to jack up.

PPC ads are placed alongside search engine results to which they are relevant. The highest bids for a specific keyword or phrase gets top billing on the search engine results page. Getting top placement provides greater odds for a PPC ad to get clicked by a qualified searcher.

Elements of PPC search engine advertising

PPC search engine advertising involves three basic elements; constant monitoring, response analysis and refinement as the essential factors involved in PPC search engine advertising. Proper management of PPC search engine advertising can result in big profits for a website. 

PPC search engine advertising makes it possible for sites to monitor the productivity of each PPC ad they place. This gives a site the opportunity to turn off any PPC ad that is not performing at its best. PPC search engine advertising provides the most economical way for a site to advertise on the World Wide Web. 

The cost entailed in PPC search engine advertising is dictated by the clicks made on a particular PPC ad. The number of clicks made on a PPC ad is subtracted from the initial amount paid by the business to a search engine company. To minimize cost and maximize return on investment, a business will have to regularly monitor its PPC search engine advertising campaign. 

How to use PPC search engine advertising

Many businesses are unable to get the most out of their PPC search engine advertising campaign. PPC search engine advertising involves a lot more than just bidding on the highest keywords. Information is a main concern of many online users.

Providing online users with relevant information they need will help bring about a more long-term relationship with an online user that will more likely result in a sale. 
Information provided to online users may be in the form of a newsletter or e-zine that online users would likely sign up for. Sign-ups may be enough to cover the expenses of a PPC search engine advertising campaign. 

Sign-ups also help generate leads for websites as they build opt in list from qualified online searchers who clicked their PPC ad. Getting personal information from qualified online searchers can be done in a variety of ways such as offering freebies for surveys or signing up for newsletters. 

PPC search engine advertising is a continuous process that requires hands on supervision and a thorough understanding of PPC search engines. Businesses may opt to hire the services of a professional or do PPC search engine advertising with in-house experts. Whatever course of action is selected, a business is sure to get a huge return on investment with PPC search engine advertising. 

12 Feb 2019

How Python Connect to, and Manage a Database

How Python Connect to, and Manage a Database
If you’ve been trying to connect to a database on-premise or on a local disk, and found ambiguous online resources and inconsistent terminology, then you will enjoy this article

I’ve put my best effort to provide you with a clear, concise, and detailed description on how to connect to, and manage any database from Python
1. Introduction

2. PyODBC: Open DataBase Connectivity for Python

3. SQLite3: SQLite for Python

4. Executing SQL statements

5. Reading data into Pandas DataFrame

TL;DR: full code

1. Introduction
A database model determines the logical structure of a database (a database is an organized collection of data). This in turn determines how data can be stored, organized and manipulated. The Relational Model (RM) is the most popular database model since the 1980s. RM uses a table-based format, where tables are related by common columns

Database management system (DBMS)

DBMS is the software that you -or applications- use to interact with the database to create, read, update and manage data. The Relational DBMS (RDBMS) is the DBMS based on RM. According to DB-Engines, the most widely used RDBMS are: Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, and SQLite

A database is often referred to by the DBMS used to manipulate it. For example, a database that is manipulated using Microsoft SQL Server is referred to as: Microsoft SQL Server-Database
Although not required, all RDBMS use SQL as a standard data access language

Database connectivity interface

A database connectivity interface allows an application to access data from a variety of DBMSs, using a specific driver for a specific DBMS and operating system. This means that the application can be written without depending on a specific DBMS or the operating system

Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard Microsoft Windows interface that enables applications (typically written in C or C++) to connect to DBMSs. While, Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard Oracle interface that enables applications written in Java to connect to DBMSs

2. PyODBC: Open DataBase Connectivity for Python
PyODBC is the Python package for ODBC. Through pyodbc, you can easily connect Python applications to a DBMS-database, using the required ODBC driver

Step 1: install pyodbc through pip

pip install pyodbc
Step 2: install the required driver for the DBMS-database you want to connect to. For example, if you want to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server-Database, you need to download and install the driver from Microsoft, after choosing your operating system

Connecting to a database

To make a connection to a database, we need to pass a connection string to the connect() function of pyodbc. The most important thing to remember is that: pyodbc passes the connection string directly to the DBMS-database driver unmodified. Therefore, connection strings are driver-specific

For example, to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server-Database, we provide the following connection string:

Note: you can find information about general connection string for most databases here. Make sure to follow the connection string formatting rules found here
The connection string can also be passed as arguments, which are then concatenated into a connection string:

In the connection string above, we assume that the SQL Server Authentication mode is set to Windows Authentication Mode, so we did not have to provide credentials to get access permissions to the server.

However, if it was a Mixed Authentication Mode (i.e. SQL Server Authentication + Windows Authentication), we can still use the above connection string, or the following one where we provide our User ID and Password to get access permissions to the server:

Pyodbc also supports Data Source Name connections. A DSN contains information about a specific database that an ODBC driver needs in order to connect to it (information such as the database driver, the server and database names, etc):

Lastly, depending on the database you are trying to access, and the version of Python you are using, you might need to set the connection encoding/decoding settings, which you can find here

For Microsoft SQL Server-Database and Python 3.x, using pyodbc default encoding/decoding settings is recommended (i.e. no need to do anything)

3. SQLite3: SQLite for Python
SQLite3 is the Python package for SQLite, which is the most widely deployed RDBMS in the world (arguably). The main features of SQLite are:

An embedded database. SQLite does not have a separate server process (i.e. server-less). It reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files
Free for use for any purpose, commercial or private

SQLite3 is included with Python by default. So even if you have created a new Anaconda environment, it will be installed for you

Connecting to a database

To create a connection to a disk-based database, we just need to pass the name of the database to the connect() function of sqlite3:

If the database does not exist, an empty one will be created for us

4. Executing SQL statements
Once we have a connection to the database, either from pyodbc or sqlite3, we can then create a Cursor object which represents a database cursor. We can do this using the cursor() method:

Now we have a Cursor object, we can execute any valid SQL query string using the Cursor execute() method:

Let’s assume that the database we are connected to (database.db), has 2 tables:



SELECT statement

To select the id, fname, and lname columns from T_CUSTOMERS, we use SQL SELECT:

The executed SELECT statement returns rows, which we can retrieve using one of the Cursor fetch functions:

fetchone(): retrieves one row only, and move the Curser to the next row
fetchall(): retrieves all rows, and move the Curser to the end
fetchmany(size): retrieves a number of rows, and move the Curser to the next row
Note: if there are no rows left, fetchone() will return None, whereas fetchall() and fetchmany() will both return empty lists
For example, to retrieve one row only:

row will be a Tuple of values, one for each of the columns in the SELECT statement:

To get each column’s description, the Cursor description attribute can be used:

This description will be a list of Tuples, one for each column. Each Tuple has 7 items to describe the column, the one that matters to us is the first item, which is the column’s name (or alias, if specified in the SQL SELECT):

To retrieve all the remaining rows as a list, we can use fetchall():

UPDATE statement

To update an existing record in T_CUSTOMERS, we use SQL UPDATE with a WHERE clause

Note: if you do not use a WHERE clause in the UPDATE statement to specify which record(s) should be updated, all records will be updated!
Let’s update lname=’Trujillo’ to ‘Taqueria’:

If we want to know how many records were modified by the last SQL statement, we can use the Cursor rowcount attribute. This will return -1 if no SQL has been executed or if the number of rows is unknown:

Let’s check if that record has been updated successfully:

DELETE statement

To delete a customer’s record from T_CUSTOMERS, we use SQL DELETE with a WHERE clause

Note: if you do not use a WHERE clause in the DELETE statement to specify which record(s) should be deleted, all records will be deleted!
Let’s delete the record with id=4:

Let’s check how many records were modified:

Let’s check if that record has been deleted successfully:

INSERT INTO statement

To insert a new record into T_CUSTOMERS, we use SQL INSERT INTO

Let’s insert the same record we have deleted:

Let’s check how many records were modified:

Let’s check if that record has been inserted successfully:

Long SQL statement

Let’s say that we want to select the full name, and city and postal code of a customer with the last name ‘Trujillo’. We (or someone else) has written the following SQL statement to do this:

The easiest way to pass this long SQL statement to excute() is to use the triple-quote string format to encapsulate the statement. White-spaces (including tabs and newlines) should be ignored by the SQL database engine, but if we want to remove them from the left, we can use the dedent() function from the built-in textwrap module:

Finally, we must call commit() on the connection that created this cursor, otherwise our changes will be lost if we close the Script:

5. Reading data into Pandas DataFrame
Pandas can read an SQL statement directly into a dataframe without using a Cursor. This can be done using the read_sql(sql_string, connection) function

Everything you need to know about Scatter Plots for Data Visualisation

Everything you need to know about Scatter Plots for Data Visualisation
In case you’re a statistics Scientist there’s absolute confidence which you’ve worked with scatter plots before. Despite their simplicity, scatter plots are a powerful device for visualizing statistics. There’s numerous options, flexibility, and representational power that comes with the simple alternate of some parameters like color, length, form, and regression plotting.

Right here you’ll study pretty much the whole lot you need to know approximately visualizing facts with scatter plots! We’re going to undergo all of the parameters and see when and how to use them with code. You would possibly simply find a few exceptional surprises and hints that you can upload for your data technology toolbox!

Regression plotting
whilst we first plot our information on a scatter plot it already gives us a pleasant brief evaluate of our information. Within the some distance left parent underneath, we can already see the businesses in which maximum of the records appears to bunch up and can quick pick out out the outliers.

But it’s additionally great with the intention to see how complex our mission would possibly get; we will do that with regression plotting. In the center discern below we’ve achieved a linear plot. It’s pretty clean to peer that a linear function received’t paintings as a few of the points are quite a long way away from the road. The a long way-proper characteristic makes use of a polynomial of order four and looks lots greater promising. So it looks as if we’ll truly want some thing of at least order four to version this data-set.

Coloration and form
color and form may be used to visualize the extraordinary classes on your data-set. Color and shape are each very intuitive to the human visual gadget. While you look at a plot wherein agencies of points have extraordinary coloration's our shapes, it’s quite apparent right away that the factors belong to one of a kind businesses. It just naturally makes feel to us. This herbal intuition is constantly what you need to be playing off of while developing clean and compelling records visualizations. Make it so obvious that it’s self-explanatory.

The discern at the left below suggests the instructions being grouped via color; the discern at the right shows the lessons separated by way of each color and shape. In both instances it’s a great deal simpler to look the groupings than whilst we simply had all blue! We now recognize that it’ll in all likelihood be easy to split the Samoset class with low errors and that we need to attention our interest and identifying how to separate the alternative  from each different. It’s additionally clear that a unmarried linear plot won’t be able to separate the green and orange points; we’ll need some thing a bit greater excessive-dimensional.

Selecting between color and shape becomes a depend of preference. Individually, I locate colour a chunk greater clean and intuitive, but take your choose!

Marginal Histogram
Scatter plots with marginal histograms are the ones that have plotted histograms at the top and side, representing the distribution of the points for the functions along the x- and y- axes. It’s a small addition however tremendous for seeing the exact distribution of our points and more accurately discover our outliers.

As an instance, inside the discern under we can see that the why axis has a totally heavy concentration of points around three.Zero. Just how concentrated? That’s maximum without problems seen within the histogram at the some distance proper, which indicates that there is at the least triple as many points around 3.Zero as there are for any other discrete range. We also see that there’s slightly any factors above 3.Seventy five in comparison to other ranges. For the x-axis at the other-hand, things are a bit greater evened out, except for the outliers at the far proper.

Bubble Plots
With bubble plots we are capable of use numerous variables to encode statistics. The brand new one we will upload right here is length. Within the figure underneath we are plotting the quantity of french fries eaten by means of anybody vs their peak and weight. Notice that a scatter plot is only a 2d visualization tool, but that using distinctive attributes we are able to represent 3-dimensional information.

Here we are the usage of shade, position, and size. The location determines the person’s peak and weight, the shade determines the gender, and the scale determines the wide variety of french fries eaten! The bubble plot shall we us easily integrate all the attributes into one plot so that we are able to see the excessive-dimensional statistics in a simple 2d view; not anything crazy complex.

7 Feb 2019

Running Your Business Efficiently in 2019

Running Your Business Efficiently in 2019
The way you select to run your commercial enterprise will have a giant impact to your achievement. The question then is, what's an appropriate manner to run a business? In case you asked several marketers this query, you’d probable get a range of various answers. The reality is that what works for one commercial enterprise may not necessarily paintings for any other and each enterprise has a extraordinary experience. With that being stated, a common feature in a a hit enterprise is a excessive stage of performance.If you hold studying underneath,you’re going to learn about efficiency and methods which you get your business to operate efficiently.

What is efficiency?
To recognize whether or not or no longer you’re going for walks your business effectively, you first need to recognize what efficiency is business Dictionary defines it as;

“The comparison of what's actually produced or executed with what may be done with the identical intake of assets.”

This definition tells you that performance is about whether or not you’re getting the maximum out of the money and time you’re spending for your commercial enterprise. Regularly, it may additionally be used as a measure of productivity too.

Enhancing productivity
Following on from the final factor, productivity is a big teller of whether or not your business is being run effectively. If it isn’t, then you need to work on tackling this area. See some suggestions beneath for how to improve productiveness.

Make employees accountable: If youwant employees to be more effective, making them responsible is vital. Delegate obligations and pressure the importance of it getting done. Additionally, within the method of doing this, offer assist in case they need it.
Praise effects: personnel want to recognise that their hard paintings is preferred, so worthwhile outcomes is critical. There's no proper manner to praise personnel so discover a selection of things likepublic recognition, bonuses, or paid day without work.
Provide the proper device:with out the proper gadget, personnel may want to without difficulty get frustrated, and performance may drop. Take a look at and preserve equipment regularly in order that it doesn’t avert them from doing their task.
Saving money
every other issue of an effectively run commercial enterprise is one that is getting the most out of what they spend. Make certain you’re getting a return on your investments and that you’re investing inside the right way. Right here are some cash saving suggestions you can attempt applying.

Recycle: Recycling should prevent a substantive sum of money, so come to be accustomed to making the most of the materials you have got. If you’ve were given large materials that may be recycled, purchase baling wire from corporations like balingwiredirect.Com in order that they may be compressed and recycled. For materials that may be reused together with workplace supplies and paper, make the high-quality use of them to reduce fees.
Lessen Overhead: To shop money and improve efficiency, lowering overhead is a tip you need to take into account. You may do that by means of making adjustments like the usage of a programmable clever thermostat, turning device off when no longer in use, and encouraging telecommuting.
Downsize: if you have offerings and system that you don’t need, do away with them or downsize so you’re the usage of what you have greater correctly. The objective ought to be to use the assets handy to get the great outcomes possible.
Whether or not or no longer you’re going for walks your enterprise successfully can be seen for your performance. If you’re meeting your objectives always, then you definately’re on the proper music and feature likely found what works quality for you.

6 Feb 2019

Strategies to Improve Your Value in Your Chosen Career in 2019

Strategies to Improve Your Value in Your Chosen Career in 2019
At some stage in an interview, a hiring supervisor will goal to pick out how much price you could convey to a business enterprise in the event that they hired you. Simultaneously, you’ll be trying to discover how treasured the corporation could be in your profession improvement, increase, and pride.As the whole thing comes all the way down to cost at some point of the hiring process, you should enterprise to increase your very own to grow to be a proper candidate and secure your dream activity. Here are 8 techniques to enhance your cost in your preferred career.

Ask Your supervisor
rather than guessing and lacking the mark, ask your modern-day supervisor how you could offer a organization with greater fee, so you can flourish in a position. As an example, they might propose additional schooling, certifications, or that you apply yourself greater effortlessly in crew responsibilities.

Grow to be results orientated
both massive and small companies are effects-orientated. They want to reach their annual targets comfortably and paintings with personnel who can assist them do so. If you may assist a enterprise revel in steady results and exceed their preliminary expectancies, you will become one of the most treasured employees inside that enterprise. Via becoming effects orientated, you may quick climb the profession ladder, growth your annual revenue, and improve your activity pride.

Construct true Bridges
View all and sundry you meet as a ability possibility to a larger, brighter role within the organisation or someplace else. Even in case you’re in a process you view as a stepping stone, aim to build suitable bridges alongside the manner, as you never recognize the role they could play to your profession within the destiny.

Get to recognize many human beings on each a expert and private stage. As a result, your call may spring to thoughts whilst a promotional possibility arises, or they're seeking out a skilled candidate for an upcoming position at their new agency.

Earn Certifications
numerous certifications will show you have got each the choice and tough paintings ethic to no longer most effective enhance your self, however to excel in your preferred role or to enter a new enterprise. With so many on-line publications now available, which can work around your busy life, there is no excuse for now not growing your skillset and obtaining various certifications at some point of your career.

For example, in case you are wondering if you ought to turn out to be a nurse practitioner, you could embark on an internet FNP software to improve your skillset and input or grow in the healthcare industry.

Accept additional responsibility
at the same time as paintings/existence balance is critical for keeping a strain-unfastened way of life, it might be viable to take on extra duty inside your current role. Of direction, always be selective whilst accepting extra tasks to keep away from burning out and/or dropping passion for your function or a emblem.

Networking couldn't handiest open a commercial enterprise up to many exciting possibilities with diverse companies or experts, however it may additionally help you at some stage in your profession. Groups of all sizes want to paintings with personnel who've many connections within their industry. The more relationships you shape at some stage in the years, the greater valuable you becomes to an employer.

To connect to human beings each inside and outside of your enterprise, you should: attain out to specialists on LinkedIn Attend diverse industry conferences, exhibitions, and so forth.
Ship a chilly email to a potential purchaser or enterprise associate prepare industry occasions/meetings enhance Your Profile
Don’t allow a enterprise to restriction your ambition. In case you want to raise your profile, look for possibilities to achieve this outside of the administrative center. As an instance, you may host seminars to percentage your know-how or enjoy. You may also apply to speak at industry meetings, or maybe write a weblog on diverse topics associated with your enjoy and/or industry.

1 Feb 2019

How To Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10

How To Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10
Let’s see the steps of installing Ubuntu along side Windows 10.

Step 1: Make a backup [optional]
It is always nice to make a back up, just in case if you mess up with the system. There are numerous articles on the web to show you how to backup your system. You can follow this tutorial here.

Step 2: Create a live USB/disk of Ubuntu
The next thing you need to do is to create a live USB or disk. I recommend Universal USB Installer to create a live USB of Linux OS in Windows.

Read this screenshot tutorial to learn how to create a live USB of Ubuntu Linux in Windows.
Step 3: Make a partition where Ubuntu will be installed
Assuming tat you have a fresh system, the first thing we need to do is to make a partition to install Linux. The 256 GB in my system was already had several partitions from manufacturer but mainly for backup and other purposes. Main partition was C drive, of around 220 GB, where Windows 8.1 was installed.

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Install Soundcloud Desktop App In Linux
If you have just one partition like this, you need to make some free space out of it for Linux. If you have several partitions of considerable size, use any of them except C drive because it may erase the data.

To make a partition in Windows 8, go to Disk Management tool. You can find disk management tool by searching for ‘disk’ in Control Panel.

disk management tool windows 8

In the Disk Management tool, right click on the drive which you want to partition and select shrink volume. In my case, I shrank the C drive to make some free space:


You can leave the free space as it is. We shall use it while installing Ubuntu.

Step 4: Disable fast startup in Windows [optional]
Windows 8 introduced a new feature called “fast startup” for quick boot. While it is not mandatory, it would be better to have it disabled.

Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > System Settings > Choose what the power buttons do and uncheck the Turn on fast startup box.

If you need more hints, follow this screenshot tutorial to disable fast startup in Windows.
Step 5: Disable secureboot in Windows 10 and 8.1
This is the most important step. The new secure boot feature of Windows 8, originally intended for security feature for rootkit viruses, prevents dual booting of Windows with Linux. To dual boot Windows 8 with Linux, we must disable secure boot in UEFI.

It is better that you follow this screenshot guide to disable secure boot in Windows 10 Windows 8.1.
Step 6: Installing Ubuntu along with Windows 10, 8.1
Once you have disabled secure boot, it’s time to install Ubuntu. I hope you already created the live USB as mentioned in step 2. Plug in the USB and boot the system from it.

To boot from USB, will have to choose boot from USB option from within Windows itself. Either with PC Setting (like for UEFI) or pressing shift key while clicking on Restart.

Once you have booted in the live USB, you will be presented with option to try or install Ubuntu. Click on install. You will be presented with few screen options to choose the language. It will then do some checks on available space, power and internet connection etc. Just click on Continue.

Suggested read
How To Solve: cannot open shared object file [Quick Tip]
dual booting Ubuntu with Windows 8

The main screen which you should pay attention to is Installation Type. Choose Something else here:


Remember we had created some free space beforehand? We shall use the free space to create Root, Swap and Home. Select the free space and click on the + sign.

partition on Ubuntu Windows 8 dual boot

It will provide you with option to create Linux partition. We are creating the Root partition. Any thing between 10-20 GB is more than sufficient for it. Choose the size, select Ext 4 as file type and / (means root) as the mount point.


Clicking on OK in previous step will bring you to the partition screen. Next we will create swap. Like previously, click on the + sign again. This time use the file type as Swap area. Suggestible swap size is double of RAM.


In similar fashion, create a Home partition. Allocate it maximum space (in fact allocate it rest of the free space) because this is where you’ll save music, pictures and downloaded files.


Once you are ready with Root, Swap and Home, click on Install Now:


Well, you have almost won the battle. You can smell victory now. Next you will be asked to set username password etc. Basically, you just need to click next now.

Once the installation is completed, restart the computer, you should be welcomed by a purple grub screen. Enjoy Ubuntu along with Windows 10 in dual boot mode.

Note: If after installing Ubuntu, you boot directly in Windows, check in UEFI settings for changing the boot order. If you see no option to set the boot to Ubuntu, you need to fix it from within Windows. When you are in Windows desktop, hover the mouse in left corner, right click and select administrator’s command prompt. Then run the following command:

bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi
This should make the Grub default and hence you can access both Ubuntu and Windows from it.

I hope this guide helped you to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 10 UEFI. If you want to reverse the process, follow this guide to remove Ubuntu from dual boot with Windows. Though this article is written for Ubuntu, it should be helpful for other Linux OS as well. Any questions or suggestions are always welcomed.